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Department of Physics


After graduation, medical physicists typically apply for a clinical training position (medical physicist in training) to obtain the board certification to work as a medical physics expert (MPE) in Germany. In addition to the usual job fairs, the DGMP also offers a job fair and a job mailinglist . Here you can also look for training positions. Tip: In some job postings there is a note that the board certification can still be obtained. It is therefore worth to also look at jobs that are not explicitly posted for training.


Jobs for medical physicists in industry are mainly offered via common online portals and job fairs. Occasionally, however, you will also find offers via the DGMP job fair and job mailinglist.


In order to work as a research associate or post-doctoral fellow (PostDoc) at scientific institutes, a doctorate is often the basic requirement. In principle, the doctorate may be obtained at the university (-clinic) or in research institutions that cooperate with universities. Examples of the latter are the Max Planck Society, Leibniz Society, Fraunhofer Society or the Helmholtz Association. Information on possible application procedures for research institutions as well as contact persons for doctoral studies at university locations can be found in a freely accessible DGMP presentation in the section „further information”. A helpful report of a mentor on whether a PhD makes sense or not and on what this decision depends is provided by the Arbeitskreis Junge Medizinphysik („Young Medical Physics group”). Job offers for PostDocs can be found via the DGMP job fair and job mailinglist and the websites of the respective research institutions.